Tokyo Disneyland May Change Splash Mountain 4

Splash Mountain Tokyo Disneyland

We reported earlier this week about the planned retheming of the popular Splash Mountain attraction in Disney World and Disneyland, well looks like Tokyo Disneyland is also considering a change.

Inside Splash Mountain in Tokyo Disneyland

According to The Asian Shimbum, Oriental Land Co., the operator of Tokyo Disneyland, they are aware of the controversy and changes taking place in the US parks and are considering a change there as well. There is no guarantee that this will actually happen and they have not even considered what a retheming would entail, if they do change it, they could go in a different direction than Princess and the Frog.

We will report back if anything is actual confirmed, you can also listen in to The Behind the Ears Podcast for your latest Disney news.

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4 thoughts on “Tokyo Disneyland May Change Splash Mountain

  • James harper

    This is crazy lol. Stop changing my history and trying to erase it. Instead of erasing history and tearing down statues and buildings and changing rides and deleting shows, how about use them as tools to teach what wrongs need to be fixed in the world.

  • Tif

    They aren’t going to change it. Someone I know sent Tokyo Disneyland an email today and they responded saying they had no intentions of ever changing the attraction, though they are aware of changes being made in the USA. They most likely only said they would consider it out of courtesy (common in Japanese business culture). Seeing as the entire land surrounding their version of the ride is basically themed after Splash Mountain, there is really a very small chance that they will make any changes. I say good for them! Splash Mountain is extremely iconic.