Top Rides at Epcot 13

Spaceship Earth in Epcot

Epcot is not really a big ride park for me, but there are still some really great rides that are a must when I visit. I am looking forward to the completion of the Guardians of the Galaxy coaster and Ratatouille rides to help bring a few more options to this park. Now this is not a knock on Epcot, we just consider this our food and drink park with a few rides mixed in to enhance the day.

Test Track

Test Track

Test Track has always been a favorite of mine because it has that thrill ride element without being too over the top. Now this ride also has a cool competitive element to it, the car you create in the que goes head to head with other members with in your ride vehicle and I would be lying if I said I don’t get a little upset when my kids beat me. Now a lot of people complain that the older version was better, but all I care about is that final lap around the building at 60 mph.

Frozen Ever After

Frozen Ever After

This ride is a little controversial because so many people were a big fan of the ride it replaced, but I feel like the Maelstrom was in desperate need of a makeover and Frozen felt like a perfect fix. The ride itself is cute and featured some great animatronics and the music that made this movie so popular, add that to a mellow boat ride and a thrilling drop near the end that makes this a must do ride now. I am also a fan of the que area that looks like the village Arendelle from the movie, there is plenty to look at and gives you a break from the heat.

Living with the Land

Living with the Land during the holidays

I love indoor boat rides at Disney, as you can tell from my previous blog posts. This is a slow boat ride inside The Land Pavilion and features some cool scenery and look at how they grow a lot of the food for Disney world. We were lucky enough to visit this year around the holidays and they decorated parts of the ride in lights which really enhanced the experience in the evening. If you have had a long day of walking in Epcot, this is the perfect ride to cool you off, relax and even learn a thing or two.

Soarin Around the World

Soarin around the World (picture courtesy Disney Parks)

Before Disney opened Avatar: Flights of Passage, this use to be my favorite ride that gave you a sense of flying. It is still a great ride that takes you on a aerial flight around iconic world locations, they even throw in a few scents here and there. Soarin still feels very immersive, but where you are seated makes a slight difference, if you are off to either the right or left too far, the screen image becomes a little warped (the Eiffel tower and other objects appear to be bent) .

Spaceship Earth

Spaceship Earth

This is our nostalgia ride for Epcot, it’s the first ride you see and we make an attempt to ride it first if the lines are not too long. There is nothing really special about this ride, it’s a slow moving cart that shows the progress of communication over the years by using scenes featuring animatronics. That being said, something about it feels a little magical, maybe its the fact that it takes you to the top of the Space Ship earth ball. The other fun feature of this ride is that it takes your picture at the beginning (when it is working) and then superimposes your face on a character at the end and gives you a glimpse of your future. This ride is also scheduled for a two year refurbishment that should begin soon, so our trips to Epcot won’t be the same for a little while.

Final Thoughts

While Epcot does not have that many rides, they have enough to keep you happy during your visit there. We all excited for the 50th anniversary changes coming to Epcot that will bring us more rides and attractions to park we love so much. As always, please let us know your favorites below and be sure to tune into The Behind the Ears Podcast for all your latest Disney news.

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